Mean brews. Intended to use Maris Otter, pulled pilsner out instead ... has a certain blandness, probably because of pils malt.
Mashed in 10:45am Weds 17Apr24. End of mash first runnings 15.75 brix=1.062. Added couple litres extra sparge water. Collected 18 litres 10 brix=1.039. Added fuggles at 15 min, 16 litres @ 12 brix=1.046. 14 litres @13brix=1.050 into fermenter. Yeast best before Jan 2024. Pitched one smack pack (56 hour, mild swelling) wy1275 approx 5pm @19C. Pitched 2nd smack pack 1275 (3 hour, not sure if swelled at all) 1:30pm Thurs 18/4. Stuck at 13 brix fri am, Sat am, no sign of krausen. Sat 20/4 2 pm added 3/4 smack pack of in date wy1335, smacked for 3 hours - scattered bubbles from the 1275 possibly starting to krausen? 8:30am Sun 21Apr 12 brix=1.043. 10am Mon 11 brix=1.037. Tues 23Apr 9am, 9.25 brix=1.026 1pm put on cling film to restrict oxygenation after ferm - 9 brix=1.025. 8:45 am Weds 24Apr 8.25 brix=1.020, upped to 20C. Fri 26Apr 1:30pm 7.5 brix=1.016. Sat am 7.5 brix. Sun 28Apr moved to sitting room to free up fridge. Packaged Weds 8 May 2024, 6 brix=1.007, mini keg, 7x330, 1x750. Used gelatin, SMB. Bottles into fridge Sun 27May24.