Brewed 01/29/24. Mash in at 135 F with 16 L Boulder city plus 4 g CaSO4 and 0.5 ml lactic. 45 minutes at 148 F, 15 minutes at 156 F, mash out at 165 F. Sparge, boil. Whirlpool additions at 175 and 165 F, 25 minutes total; directed pump outlet into side of hop spider to aid extraction. Cooled to 62 F, oxygenated and pitched. Primary fermentation at 66 F.
02/07: Dry hopped with 1 oz Mosaic, 1 oz Simcoe, 1 oz Citra hop hash.
02/09: Dry hopped with 1 oz Mosaic and 1 oz Citra hop hash
02/12: Racked to keg. Gravity 1.015. The dry hops didn't settle cleanly to the bottom (perhaps hop hash up top?), so murky upon racking. Place at 72 F to finish fermentation.
02/21: Added 1/2 tsp gelatin in 1/4 cup of 155 F water and added to keg, transferred to lagering fridge.
04/08: Tasting notes: Fantastic. Even better than the last version this one has fresh pine and citrus flavors, with some blueberry from the mosaic, and a touch of sweetness that complements the hoppiness. Clear as a bell. Make again.