A clear, clean, crisp, Munich Helles is hard to beat, but as a brewer I have always felt limited by the regional restrictions of traditional ingredients. My goal with this beer, and creating a new categorical style with the "New World Helles", is to maintain respect to the traditional characteristics and qualities of a Helles, in regards to it abv, color, and body, and drinkability, but open up the available options of ingredients to allow for some tasteful creative interpretation in the style. As a Tennessean I selected the Riverbend Cumberland Pilsner for both its locality as well as its flavor profile. As for my hop selection I wanted to showcase Riwaka, with its direct lineage of the traditional Saaz representing plenty of noble character, while also carrying some more modern characteristics of tropical citrus, grapefruit and passionfruit, it seemed a fitting bridge between the New and Old World. Cheers!