if you have a small orchard in your backyard its very easy to find yourself with and abundance damaged, spoiling, and unpretty apples. Boil them down to create a strong refreshing beverage with this new england style cider style american ale recipe.
batch sparge base grain tuntil 3 gallons of wart is extracted at the desired gravity, mix with 3 gallon apple butter decoction into 5 gallon kettle for final boil of 6 min where you will dissolve the brown sugar and add your raisins, chill in the fridge, transfer to fermenter and pitch yeast
champagne yeast will fermant the wary completely dry within 14 days, after 13 days you have the option to prime and bottle or to rach off and add mor sugar for a true new england stlye dopplebock cider
note: raisins help to promote the laungevity of the fermentation making double fermentation an option so you can add the sugar later or add even more after that, champagne yeast usually eats whatever you give it.