Optional Yeast: Wyeast 1214, Belgian Abby Ale
• WLP500 Monastery Ale Yeast - From one of the six Trappist breweries remaining in the world, this yeast produces the distinctive fruitiness and plum characteristics. An excellent yeast for high gravity beers, Belgian ales, dubbels and trippels.
• WLP540 Abbey IV Ale Yeast - This strain produces balanced fruit aroma and flavor characters.
• WLP550 Belgian Ale Yeast - Saisons, Belgian Ales, Belgian Reds, Belgian Browns, and White beers are just a few of the classic Belgian beer styles that can be created with this yeast strain. Phenolic and spicy flavors dominate the profile, with less fruitiness than WLP500.
• Wyeast Labs #3787 - TRAPPIST STYLE HIGH GRAVITY - A classic strain for brewing Belgian dubbel or Belgian tripel. This Abbey strain produces a nice balance of complex fruity esters and phenolics, making it desirable for use in other Belgian style ales as well. A flocculent, true top cropping yeast (additional headspace is recommended), that will work over a broad temperature range. This strain makes a great Belgian style “house” strain.
• Wyeast Labs #1762 - BELGIAN ABBEY STYLE ALE II - This strain has a relatively “clean profile” which allows a rich malt and distinctive ethanol character to shine. Delicate dried fruit esters can be produced when used at higher fermentation temperatures or in a high gravity wort.
• Wyeast Labs #3822-PC - BELGIAN DARK ALE - This unique Belgian ale yeast is a high acid producer with balanced ester and phenol production allowing a good expression of malt profile, especially the strong flavors of darker malts and sugars. High alcohol tolerance. Spicy, tart, and dry on the palate with a very complex finish.