Budweiser is produced using barley malt, rice, water, hops and yeast. The brewing happens in seven steps: milling, mashing, straining, brew kettle, primary fermentation, beechwood lagering and finishing.[46] It is lagered with beechwood chips in the aging vessel. While beechwood chips are used in the maturation tank, there is little to no flavor contribution from the wood, mainly because they are boiled in sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) for seven hours for the very purpose of removing any flavor from the wood. (Found on Wikipedia)
Brew #1, everybody really loved it, trying another batch. I did use the Beach like the Wikipedia said to. Used about 1/2 pound of finished beach.
Brew #2, 11/8/2023, making 5 gallon batch. Hallertae Hops went bad, using 1oz US Saaz Alpha 6.5%. Will be using 1 pound of the finished beach.