Recipe #4 - Brewed on March 10, 2023
13 pounds of Quebecois grain, pre-crushed
20 liters of tap water for mashing
1 hour
30 minutes at 64°C
30 minutes at 69°C
Raise temperature to 80°C before sparging
Sparge with aroud 10 liters for a total volume of 24 liters
60 minutes
Add 1/2 cup (1.5 oz) of Citra hops pellets at 30 minutes
Add 1/2 cup (1.5 oz) of Citra hops pellets at 15 minutes
Cool wort using immersion chiller and cold water, approximately 15 minutes
1 tea spoon yeast nutrient
Use Safale US-05 yeast, hydrated 1 hour before pitching
Add 1/2 cup (1.5 oz) of Citra hops to fermenter
Original gravity: 1.055, potential alcohol: 6%
Kegged on March 26 after 16 of fermentation
Final gravity: 1.015, final alcohol potential: 6%
By using a Single Malt and Single Hop (SMaSH) approach, this recipe produces a unique variation of India Pale Ale (IPA) by using Quebecois grain and Citra hops pellets.
*The addition of vanilla would likely give it a slightly sweet and creamy flavor profile, which is common in Milkshake IPAs.