Single infusion mash at 154 for 90 mins. Raise to 168 for mash out and hold for 10 mins.
Boil 60 mins. Cool to 66 after flameout and pitch yeast. Hold temp at 66-68 until gravity is 5 points from final (1024) and then let temp rise to 72 until finished.
Low level of carbonation.
Used Northern brewer @11.0 AA rather than Target for bitterness as shop didn’t have Target.
I tweaked the recipe to add 1 of challenger at 20 mins vs .5oz at 60 and 1 oz of north down at 10 vs. .5 oz at 15 as the AA on the hops I was using was a lot lower than standard and I wanted to get more aroma from them.
Gravity as start of boil was 1059. OG was 1063 after boil, so 72% efficiency. Pitched 250 ml of yeast from previous Pub beer that had finished fermenting. Cooked wort to 67 degrees from 71.
After 24 hours gravity dropped 25 points to 1038. After 48 hours it was 1023 and wort chilled to 63.
After 70 hours gravity 1021. Added 1 oz EKG and raised temp to 65.
Raised temp slowly to 69 by day 6 when gravity was 1018. Increased attenuation to 72% from 69 standard. Also added 2 tablespoons of yeast cake after 5 days when gravity was stuck at 1021.