This was a weird one. Just wanted to see how much sugar I could extract from oats. I used basic rolled oats from the store--only plugged in the New Zealand oats because that's about the PPG I was able to achieve from this mash.
The Ceremix Flex is pretty amazing stuff. It allows you to do low-temp cereal mashes without a decoction step. It would have been better with a more temperature-stable glucoamylase because the sweet spot for Ceremix is around 144F (62C). Amigase Mega L for a glucoamylase would be ideal because it can handle above 140F (60C) temps.
Didn't get a stuck mash or anything, but the oats sucked up a ton of mash water. Mashed in with 6.25gal, but only had a pre-boil volume of 4.5gal. Although with 20lbs of grain I guess that's pretty good.
I added all the LME in order to get the preboil grav to 1.073. Would really love to figure this out without resorting to the LME. Next time I'll try a decoction mash with a slightly different liquefaction enzyme.
Racked to secondary after 2 weeks. Aged on oak (WineStix Light Toast American Oak) for one week. Another 3 weeks in secondary, then cold crashed and bottled.