(Beer is now fermenting)
Mash was kind of stuck, i had to stir constantly for the mash to flow. Don't know if it's due to high mash thickness or due to finely ground grains. OG was 1.052. Pitched 1 pack of WB-06 for 25L of wort, stressing the yeast usually works for me in terms of aroma and flavour. Pitching temp was ca. 30ºC. Every now and then i'll thoroughly shake the fermenter. Fermentation time to be defined.
(1 day after brewday)
Fermentation is very active. Krausen can be seen through the walls of the fermenter (white bucket). Fermentation temperature is 18ºC and air humidity may vary.
(6 days after brewday)
Fermentation is active. Krausen has fell, however the airlock is still showing a significantly higher pressure inside: might be due to older trapped air that has simply not come out due to fermentation slowing down. Airlock definitely has Krausen bits in it.