Start with 8 gal of water @ 158 degrees. Target temperature is 153 degrees for 75 minutes once the grain bag is added and stirred. Increase temperature to 170 for 10 minutes. Drain the bag and squeeze. Measure SG and BRIX. Begin boil as usual.
Process went as per the recipe. Boil ended with 5.5 gallons of wort. Added .5 gallons of water to bring SG to 1.055. There was more liquid loss in this boil than normal.
12 hours later the beer is happily bubbling away at 65 degrees. Color is blonde.
This beer turned out very well. Light in color and body. I think that it needed a bit more bittering hop, but a very drinkable pale ale.
This is a do again beer with just a bit more bittering.
This beer is better after two additional weeks of bottle conditioning.