(i) This is a 5gal batch to be done in a 5 gal kettle. Following information in Ref. [1], it turns out a water-to-grist ratio (W2GR) of as low as 2 liters per kg should cause no degradation in mash efficiency. If it did, I would consider mashing longer as needed. For this recipe W2GR is 3.5 gals/ 4.5 kg = 13.2/ 4.5 = 2.9.
Ref. [1]: How to Brew, 4th ed by J. Palmer, section "water-to-grist ratio".
(ii) I eliminated the docoction. Following the steps in Palmer's American Wheat recipe instead, which only has infusion rest. Also, using the mash temp indicated there, 65C, as opposed to the one indicated in Klasse Bavarian Weissbier receipe, 67C. Hence, the only difference between the two wheat ale recipes is the yeast and the type of hops (German vs American).
(iii) The wort in fermentor was topped up with 8L of spring water of which details are:
Compliments Natural Spring Water: HCO3: 210, Cl: 2, Mg: 20, Na:7, SO4: 49, Ca: 79.