Bring 2 gallons of water to boiling in a smaller vessel. In your mash vessel, bring 6 gallons of water to 130°F, add grain for a target temperature of 125°F, and leave for 15 minutes. While stirring, add up to 2 gallons of boiling water until reaching target mash temperature of 147°F. Hold mash temp for 75 minutes. Recirculate mash until wort is free from large amounts of grain. Drain off wort into boil kettle for approximately 7.25 gallons (sparge as needed for a boil gravity of ~1.043). Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops as noted above. Pitch yeast as directed. For clarity, fine as desired or cold condition beer at 34°F for 1-2 weeks.
Note: The initial protein rest is recommended, but can be skipped if necessary. In this case, add 8 gallons of water at 150°F to grain for a target mash temperature of 147°F and hold for 75 minutes.