2 yeast packets in a 4l starter. Cold crashed starter overnight. Decanted half off and pitched the rest of the starter (warmed slightly from refrigerator).
Water adjustment: .5 campden tablet, .5 tsp Gypsum
Original Gravity: 1.065 at 56f.
Day 0 (2/27): Pitched yeast at 56f wort, put in ice bath over night (18 hours).
Day 1: Removed ice, checked temperature of wort was 50f (cooler water was 48). Left fermenter in swamp cooler (wet towel) in basement (ambient temperature 54f).
Day 3: no bubbles. Took out of cooler. 54f ambient temp.
Day 4: Checked gravity, 1.021.
Day 5: Gravity 1.020, brought up for Diacetyl rest at 66f.
Day 7: Gravity 1.018
Day 9: Gravity 1.018, cold crashed overnight
Day 10 (3/8): Began lagering (approximately 46-48f).
Day 12 (3/10): Treated with gelatin