Brewed on Valentine's Day, with my "sweetheart" and wife of 33 years!
Made with fermentables "on hand."
6 days in primary at 68F; another 6 in secondary at 72F; racked to keg and pressurized at 25 psi at 55 deg. F for one week. Now in the cellar at 5 psi for serving. Drinking at 55 deg F, but might experiment with a tad colder....
Original gravity was 1.063
Final gravity higher than predicted - 1.022 (ABV ~ 5.3%)
Malt forward, even "sweet", with late mild bitterness; just a suggestion of of the Saaz used as a dry hop during secondary. Full mouth feel and dark color make one think of a porter or even a sweet stout, but with slightly more hop character. The rye is in the background. An enjoyable dark beer that doesn't quite fit a typical style.