Strike water per above instructions
Mash temp should be about 152F
Let mash of barley and oats sit for 60 min
Rinse grains
Take gravity measurement
Start boil
Add brown sugar and rice solids
Add hops per time table - only Magnum and Fuggles used at this point
Add one whirlflock tab 50 min into boil
Cool wort pitch yeast and if wanted Clarity Ferm
Saturate with O2
Ferment until no change in gravity
Transfer into secondary
Add Fuggles
Add cocoa nibs
How to add the marshmallows: you will need one sewing machine needle with an eye large enough to use new fishing line.
String 10 marshmallows per line, give yourself enough line so closest marshmallow to hand is about 8".
Remove needle from end of line.
With the line of marshmallows over the secondary, take a heat gun (not open flame) and toast marshmallows working heat gun from bottom marshmallow up. Toast one at a time. If they slide off from heat no biggie. Don't burn, light or dark brown.
Let sit for 10 days
Transfer to bottles or keg