BAKING SODA IS ADDED TO THE ACTUAL MASH, not to the mash water or sparge water.
Note that this is the first recipe we've used baking soda in in a long time for mash adjustment of water ions and pH.
BOIL = 90 MINUTES! 90 minute boil due to pilsen malt! hops don't start going in until 60 minutes remain!
- at the end of sparging, strike water not exceeding 168–170 °F (76–77 °C) is important. if its lower, not the biggest deal, potential loss of probably 0.2 ABV using room temp water in a light sparge.
- 2 weeks primary, 2 weeks secondary in colder location. Bring back up to 16 degrees for bottling (move secondaries to required location 48 hours before bottling). Let bottles rest at 16C for 2 weeks, after which chill and enjoy, but bottle conditioning this beer for 2-3 weeks in a fridge is ideal (pour 'em gently).
- bottling sugar works out to basically/just-over 3g of dextrose per bottle if doing it individually.