Beer Recipe From Springdale Beer Company.
Add any necessary acid and salts to get to 5.3 - 5.4 ph.
Mash at 66˚C for 30 minutes. Pull 1/4 of the mash and boil gently in another pot for 15 minutes. Add back to main mash and mix thoroughly for mash out. Mash for 10 more minutes, drain and batch sparge.
Boil for 60 minutes.
Cool to 16˚C, aerate well and pitch yeast. Ferment at 16˚C
At terminal gravity lower temp to 10˚C for a few days. Optionally, add fresh krausen to carbonate before layering. To do this you would need to transfer into a keg first. Boil 12oz DME and water to get to 1.044. Add lager yeast for 8-24 hours, then blend into main fermentation. Monitor pressure so it does not go beyond 15 psi. After second fermentation is done, cool to 0˚C for 2 or more weeks.