It's a trap! Red flavour lager - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


It's a trap! Red flavour lager

191 calories 16 g 330 ml
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Belgian Dubbel
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 10 liters (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 12 liters
Post Boil Size: 10 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.048 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.063 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Source: DFH
5.00 (1 Review)

No Chill: 60 minute extended hop boil time
Calories: 191 calories (Per 330ml)
Carbs: 16 g (Per 330ml)
Created: Sunday December 13th 2020
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
1 kg Simpsons - Finest Lager Malt1 kg Finest Lager Malt 35.74 2.2 33.7%
1 kg Simpsons - Vienna1 kg Vienna 36 3.5 33.7%
0.20 kg Simpsons - Munich Malt0.2 kg Munich Malt 36.8 8 6.7%
0.10 kg Simpsons - Wheat Malt0.1 kg Wheat Malt 36.576 2.8 3.4%
0.10 kg Simpsons - Red Rye Crystal0.1 kg Red Rye Crystal 29.9 89.4 3.4%
0.10 kg Simpsons - Dextrin Malt0.1 kg Dextrin Malt 31 1.1 3.4%
0.10 kg Simpsons - DRC0.1 kg DRC 34.7 115 3.4%
0.20 kg Simpsons - Amber Malt0.2 kg Amber Malt 31.8 20.8 6.7%
0.02 kg Simpsons - Black Malt0.02 kg Black Malt 34 700 0.7%
0.15 kg Franco-Belges - Belgian Candi Sugar - Dark (275L)0.15 kg Belgian Candi Sugar - Dark (275L) - (late boil kettle addition) 38 159.82 5.1%
2.97 kg / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
18 g Saaz18 g Saaz Hops Pellet 3.5 Boil 60 min 17.69 64.3%
10 g Styrian Goldings10 g Styrian Goldings Hops Pellet 5.5 Whirlpool 20 min 2.75 35.7%
28 g / 0.00
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
20 ml Acetic acid Water Agt Mash 90 min.
0.50 each Campden Tablets Water Agt Mash 90 min.
0.50 each Irish Moss Fining Boil 15 min.
2 ml Harris Starbrite Vegan Finings Water Agt Secondary 0 min.
Fermentis - Safbrew - Abbaye Yeast BE-256
1 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
12 - 25 °C
Fermentation Temp:
15 °C
Pitch Rate:
0.5 (M cells / ml / ° P) 77 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: sucrose       Amount: 65.5 g       Temp: 20 °C       CO2 Level: 2.5 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Munich (Dark Lager)
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
82 20 4 2 16 320
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
6 L Strike 77 °C 67 °C 90 min
6 L Fly Sparge -- -- 20 min
Starting Mash Thickness: 2 L/kg
Starting Grain Temp: 18 °C
Quick Water Requirements
Water Liters
Strike water volume at mash thickness of 2 L/kg 5.6
Mash volume with grains (equipment estimates 7.5 L) 7.5
Grain absorption losses -2.8
Remaining sparge water volume (equipment estimates 13.8 L) 10.1
Mash Lauter Tun losses -0.9
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 15.7 L) 12
Volume increase from sugar/extract (late additions) 0.1
Boil off losses -5.7
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.1
Post boil Volume 10
Hops absorption losses (whirlpool, hop stand) -0.1
Top off amount 0.1
Going into fermentor 10
Total: 15.7  
Equipment Profile Used: System Default

Lager for 2-3 weeks after fermentation is finished and the yeast has dropped clear.

Should be dry, red, with lots of flavour. No lingering bitterness, no hot alcohol, no burnt flavour and only hints of caramel.

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  • Last Updated: 2021-04-14 23:41 UTC