Who's in the Garden Grand Cru - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Who's in the Garden Grand Cru

236 calories 25.3 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: Extract
Style: Belgian Golden Strong Ale
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 21 liters (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 22.56 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.066 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.071 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 35% (steeping grains only)
Source: Charlie Papazian (The Complete Joy of Homebrewing)
No Chill: 20 minute extended hop boil time
Calories: 236 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 25.3 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Monday October 5th 2020
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
3 kg Dry Malt Extract - Light3 kg Dry Malt Extract - Light 42 4 66.7%
1.50 kg Honey1.5 kg Honey 35 2 33.3%
4.50 kg / £ 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
30 g East Kent Goldings30 g East Kent Goldings Hops £ 0.04 / g
£ 1.26
Pellet 5.6 Boil 40 min 17.58 50%
15 g East Kent Goldings15 g East Kent Goldings Hops £ 0.04 / g
£ 0.63
Pellet 5.6 Whirlpool at 92 °C 10 min 1.48 25%
15 g East Kent Goldings15 g East Kent Goldings Hops £ 0.04 / g
£ 0.63
Pellet 5.6 Whirlpool at 83 °C 0 min 1.2 25%
60 g / £ 2.52
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
25 g Freshly crushed coriander seeds Spice Boil 10 min.
25 g Freshly crushed coriander seeds Spice Boil 5 min.
15 g Dried ground orange peel Spice Boil 5 min.
1 g Irish moss powder Water Agt Boil 10 min.
Mangrove Jack - Bavarian Wheat Yeast M20
4.67 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
15 - 30 °C
Fermentation Temp:
21 °C
Pitch Rate:
0.35 (M cells / ml / ° P) 127 B cells required
£ 0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: sucrose       Amount: 221.6 g       Temp: 20 °C       CO2 Level: 3.5 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
Quick Water Requirements
Water Liters
Boil water added to kettle (equipment estimates 24 L) 19.5
Volume increase from sugar/extract (early additions) 3
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 27 L) 22.6
Boil off losses -5.7
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.2
Post boil volume 21.2
Hops absorption losses (whirlpool, hop stand) -0.2
Going into fermentor 21
Total: 19.5  
Equipment Profile Used: System Default

Smell of zesty orange peel. Fresh tasting with good body and notes of freshly crushed coriander seeds. Head is aggressive on the pour due to high carbonation, but settles comfortably after a few minutes.
Rated first place by numerous brewery guests between brews 1-7. Recommended for submission into homebrew contest, but too precious to give up. All gone now!

>malt extract can be light or extra light
>yeast should be Belgian Wit (wheat) beer type
>use light honey

Directions for 5gal batch:
O.G.: 1.056-1.060
F.G.: 1.008-1.010
Bitterness: 18BU
Colour: 4SRM (8 EBC)
Alcohol: 6.3% by volume

Add malt extract, honey, and boiling hops to 7.5L water and boil for 60 mins. Add the flavor hops, ground coriander and orange peel for the final 5 minutes. Add the aroma hops for the final 1-2 minutes of boiling. Strain, sparge, and transfer immediately to 7.5L of cold water in the fermenter. Top off with additional water to make 19L. Aaerate the wort very well. Pitch the yeast when the temperature of the wort is about 21C. Ferment at about 21C for about 1 week or when fermentatino shows signs of calming and stopping.
Prime with sugar and bottle or keg when fermentation is complete. For added attraction add one whole coriander seed to each bottle when bottling (microwave them if worried).

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