Made two starters, both 4.2L of 1.045 strength. With the pretty fresh yeast we had, that brought us up to about 14.3 billion cells, not quite the 17 billion we'd need to get us to "Pro Brewer 1.5 (lager)" but close enough and a little more than we've been making.
Added 15ml of lactic acid as per the calculator - was supposed to hit 5.39, but it hit 5.3 instead - still fine but more than we needed.
Hit 150 and 160 this time, not 148 and 158.
First runnings: 1.085
Last: 1.006
(but after sitting for a long time the mash yielded more than 1.5g. of wort that was 1.036 and above so we added it. Added water later...
OG 1.059 - 22g in the boiler!
Cooled to 78. Into the fridge at 42 - trying to get the beer down to 45 before pitching. Was 65 at bedtime. Finally pitched after about 36 hours and then set temp to 50. Fermented full 4 weeks maybe more? Crashed 4-5 days - very clear when kegging.
Lagered a week and it is malty and delicious. Not super dry, a little residual sweetness. Perfect to us in that regard. Paul thought IBUs right on - just a little prickle, Mark thought it could be bumped up just a tad - 2 or 3 points. Light gold/deep yellow color and clear as a bell.