11/23/20: Tasted the sat-aside amount. The strong musty flavor has faded and is only present as a subtle, pleasant note. This is now tart, malty, and full bodied (1.015 FG will do that). I will keep letting it sit, and I plan to brew a Belgian pale ale for blending.
9/3/20: Signs of Brett as the beer is musty and mute in flavor after ending at 1.015 (according to my Tilt). Moved 1.5 gallon to a small keg with lavendar and letting the rest sit for a while.
8/22/20: Started a grain starter on 8/20/20. Can of wort + a handful of pale ale malt and pale 6-row. Brought pH to 4.5 using lactic acid to discourage bad bacteria. Sat at ~85 degrees F in a sealed mason jar. This cultivated yeast (as indicated by the amount of CO2 buildup) and lactobacillus (as indicated by the smell...and pH). Pitched after boil when the temp was ~83 degrees F. Ideally, the follow-on pH and alcohol will kill off any persistent bad bugs.