Heat a little over 3 gallons of water to 155F, add water and grains then check the temperature of the mash, we are shooting for 146F. If the temp comes up a little too hot, relax don't worry and have a homebrew. If the temp comes up a little short, you can pull some of the mash out and heat it on the stove before adding it back, sort of a mini-decoction if you will.
Mash at 146-147F for 90 minutes or until fully converted. Might need to mash a bit longer when mashing at that low a temperature, but you want to do the lower temperature because this beer needs to finish crisp. If the beer doesn't finish crisp enough for your tastes, next time omit the 3 oz of CaraPils.
After mash is converted, sparge till you have approximately 7.25 gallons in the brew pot.
Bring to a boil, and start the timer. Going for a 90 minute boil. Boil for 30 minutes with no hops, then at 60 minutes till flameout add Bittering hops. At 10 Minutes to flameout add Flavor hops. Aroma hops at 3-5 Minutes.
Chill wort to 55F and pitch your yeast. Ferment for 3 weeks at 50F, Secondary fermentation optional. You simply have to Lager this beer to get it right. Lager for at least another 3 weeks at 34-35F.
Keg it up and enjoy!