9/17/2020 Turned out a bit hoppier than expected. Still a delicious beer with orange notes likely from 85°-88° @ 3 days fermentation plus KVEIK yeast.
Mashed in at 148°
added 2 tsp CaCl to boil
.5 Cascade @ :45
1oz Mosaic @ :20
1oz Cascade @ 145°
1oz Columbus @ 145°
1oz Centennial @ 145°
Pitched Imperial A-43 LOKI yeast at 85°
Up to 87°-88° @ 3 days in conjunction with dry hopping.
3 days info fermentation-Dry hopped with 3oz mix of 3C's hops + 1oz Citra lupulin-split between 2 fermenters AND Upped temp to 87°-88°
Kegged 1 keg 8/15/20.
Columbus 31.8g / 2 = 15.9g
Centennial 29.3 / 2 = 14.65g
Cascade 15.6 / 2 = 7.8g
Calypso 30.5 / 2 = 15.25g
Chinook 30.5 / 2 = 15.25g