updates 1/20/21
knocking down 2row from 16 lbs to use some DME, and some acid malt. may want to build water profile from distilled, depending on other experiments (e.g. weaddababyitsaboy)
inputting hop schedule with "90min blend" at AA 9.3% which is a blend of 2.5oz amarillo at 8%, 0.75oz simcoe @ 13%, 0.5 warrior at 15%. this is what the recipe says. maybe use a whole 1 oz simcoe for even numbers. remember the hop additions will start at 90 minutes out and be added every 5 minutes so separate the total blend into approx 0.2 oz increments or 18 additions.
for yeast i personally think london might be nice on this one, idk why....
initial recipe input.
brewed this in 2014 before i was recording my recipes. reconstructing it here for the first official time.
unfinished recipe. not sure how to input the hops. maybe define a new 90 min hop with calculated AA and just put in additions at 90 60 30 and 0.
formulating from this : https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/homebrew-recipe/dogfish-head-90-minute-ipa-clone/
this might be a good brew to try to double mash.