Make big starter!!! 2 x 2L starters (2 steps). Makes 610B cells from one fresh pack.
Start the mash at 120F (low end of the protein rest range) and immediately start raising to 154F (starch conversion / saccharification rest temperature) and hold for 90 mins.
Raise to 168F mashout temperature and hold for 10 mins.
~90 min fly sparge with ~5.6-5.8 pH water (measured at mash temperature). Collect 14.9 gallons.
Boil for 90 minutes, adding Whirlfloc and hops per schedule.
Lid on at flameout, start chilling immediately.
Cool the wort quickly to 50F.
Ferment until approximately 5 points from final gravity and then raise the temperature to 70-72F until finished. In our case we simply turn off the fermenting fridges and allow the beer to naturally rise to room temperature. Assume fermentation is done if the gravity does not change over ~3 days.
Rack to a brite tank (we use 5 gallon glass carboys) that has been purged with CO2 to avoid oxygen pickup, add 1 tsp of unflavoured gelatin dissolved in a cup of hot distilled water per 5 gallons of beer, and allow to clear for 2-3 days.