Allow split batches, parti-gyle, and blending


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Jun 27, 2012
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Feature request to allow for a batch to be split between multiple fermentors or blended, for the following cases:

A) Brewer brews an 11 gallon batch, splits wort between two 5.5 gallon fermentors and pitches different yeasts. OG would be the same, but FG would differ. Allow for different split ratios (eg 3 gallons and 8.5 gallons).

B) Brewer brews one grain bill but generates two different beers (parti-gyle brewing, like a premium beer and a small beer). In this case, the volumes, OG and FG would be different. The hops additions, yeast, etc may also be different. Should be considered different recipes really.

C) Brewer brews a batch, then adds sugar, or a blend of a different beer. In this case, the volume would increase, the OG would have to be the blended value.
Larry, you captured exactly what I was talking about. I'm totally down for this.
This would be great. I have done something similar to number 2 before and ended up making three different recipes (one for the bases, one for the first runnings beer, and one for second/third runnings beer). None of recipes accurately reflected the two finished beers, so having support for parti-gyle would be a nice addition.
RoundKid said:
This would be great. I have done something similar to number 2 before and ended up making three different recipes (one for the bases, one for the first runnings beer, and one for second/third runnings beer). None of recipes accurately reflected the two finished beers, so having support for parti-gyle would be a nice addition.

Seems like it may be hard to design a series of recipes from one grain bill since the volumes and gravities coming out could vary. Is it a bit of an on the fly thing?
I would like a simple Partigyle calculator. Something like this:
User enters in total Grain bill:
-System displays total Gravity points
User indicates how many batches (1,2, or 3) and split (1/3 or 2/3 or 1/2 and 1/2 split.)
-System displays Gravity points for each batch + SRM estimate.

For extra points: Option to populate new recipe(s) w/ grains based on above calculation
For me, I recently did a Berliner weisse where I made 1 gallon of wort 3 days early then let it sour. Then on brew day I mixed the soured wort in with the rest of the 5-ish gallons of wort (that I made that day) in the kettle just before starting the boil. Now, while this isn't something I plan on doing all that frequently... it was fairly rough on the old brain bone trying to shoehorn all this into the recipe calculator. It would be nice if the recipe calculator allowed me to specify two separate worts that I would then mix in the kettle.

In the end, for this batch I had to completely ignore the 1 gallon of soured wort, and pretended that I was just making a 4-ish gallon batch. This required a certain amount of "winging it" trying to figure out if I was on track as far as pre-boil volume and gravity, and then recording my actual post-boil volume and gravity completely threw off the efficiency calculations.
This would be awesome. I do parti-gyle a lot.
And I often split a batch into serveral fermenters to try out different yeasts and other additions.
A way to split a batch in the brew session would be very useful!
This is a critical function. I often brew split batches and am forced to artificially enter two brew sessions so I can track track gravities and fermentation timing. This is particularly problematic when I split a batch for long term souring.
don't get me wrong I understand the issue but really it is 2 separate beers, even if its with 1 ingredient changed the yeast, so it should be treated as 2 beers and documented that way, the only real positive would be in the notes where you could compare the 2 side by side and if this is done should be documented and explained :D
Is this happening any time soon now that we have a developer working on new features?? parti-gyle process would be awesome to have
I can definitely add Parti-gyle calculations to our roadmap of features I'll be working on. It's a little tricky in terms of the user interface and how it will play into the recipe calculations since you really end up with two different beers. Anyhow, I'll do some brainstorming on this; if you have ideas on how you'd like to see this work, definitely let me know.
I am still interested in a better interface to split batches. Just brewed a 10 gallon batch into 2 fermenters with different yeast pitches. I would love to be better able to express that here.
Couldn't you just "Copy" the 10 gallon recipe, "scale" that copy to 5 gallon's and change the yeast?
I would LOVE to see a parti-gyle calculator added to the site and a blending tool would be awesome as well. you could have an option in "Recipe tool's" "Blending" then it would ask "volume of this beer" then "volume of beer to be blended". but if nothing else the Parti-gyle tool would be AWESOME!!!!!!
